Category Archives: Company

The Most Effective Print Marketing Materials to Promote Business

Connecting with the right customer and creating positive brand awareness are key elements of most marketing campaigns. But developing an effective, affordable, and enduring marketing campaign can be challenging for businesses that may not have the personnel or finances to … Continue reading »

14 Great Answers to Common Book Shipping Questions

You’ve spent months or years writing your book, and the day is finally here. After all the long hours of work, the worries about the cover, the anxiety over the printing process, and all the rest, your dream of becoming … Continue reading »

Excellent Customer Service: 6 Highly Satisfied Customers

Printing company customer service starts with the customer’s first phone call. How quickly does that new customer get answers to their questions and the guidance they need to make the right printing decision? At Publishing Xpress, we are proud of … Continue reading »

10 Annual Report Design Tips: Small Changes to Increase Value

At the end of every fiscal year, companies commonly produce a document to provide management, employees, clients, potential customers, and sponsors with a comprehensive look at the business’s past year. This valuable data and business information are vital to illustrate … Continue reading »

Self-published Books Are Taking Over the Market!

Though they now account for nearly 20% of the overall book market, self-published books are nothing new, really. Homemaker-turned-best-selling-author Irma Romabauer did it in 1931, taking her cookbook to her local printing shop, where she ordered 3,000 copies. The several … Continue reading »

4 Writing Tips Every Author Should Consider Before Self-Publishing

Before self-publishing, consider some writing tips. Self-publishing is an incredibly exciting endeavor. After all, in today’s world, there’s no more waiting for some elitist publishing house to bestow its authorial crown on your head in order to become an official … Continue reading »

Creative Book Printing Ideas for Kids

You don’t have to visit the library or bookstore to find great kids’ books and reading material for the child in your life. You’d be surprised at what you can create if you’ve got a camera, black pen, old photos, … Continue reading »

What Are the Most Successful Types of Books?

Think you have what it takes to write that book? Unless it’s purely for personal fulfillment, you likely need a helpful rubric to guide you along the pathway to success. It’s time to become acquainted with the criteria that make … Continue reading »

5 Reasons Print Media is Better Than Social Media

With seemingly countless digital communication channels at your fingertips, modern marketing opportunities appear endless – particularly due to the explosion of social media sites in the past several years. In fact, many businesses have all but abandoned more traditional print … Continue reading »

How to Promote Your Self-Published Book

Congratulations – you’ve followed through with something most people only dream of…you’re an author (or about to be)! But once the initial excitement wears off and your inner circle has read and marveled at your book, you’re probably asking yourself, … Continue reading »

PDF Book Printing: The Basics of Stellar Printing

Creating and printing a book may be a fantastic way to give someone a unique gift, publish your content, or make a physical copy of your work. The process of printing your content may seem difficult at first, but due … Continue reading »

Digital Yearbook Printing Is Easy and Affordable

Digital yearbook printing is surprisingly easy and inexpensive nowadays. Most people are still surprised to learn how simple the process is. Anyone can order as many copies as they need and expect to get a great value for the money. In this article, … Continue reading »