Category Archives: Uncategorized

Book Parts: The 10 Most Important Parts

As an author, do you really have to worry about 10 book parts? Developing a compelling story or gathering key facts are the first elements authors think of when they set out to write a book. While excellent writing and … Continue reading »

Book Chapter Headings: 12 Tips for Great Headings

If you’ve written a nonfiction book, your primary goal is to educate your reader. Whether you’re describing historic events, telling readers how to build something, or showing them the path to enlightenment, you are trying to teach them something new. … Continue reading »

Genre Expectations: Thrilling Readers with Your Book

How should genre expectations impact how you write your book? It’s every writer’s dream to create a unique book that readers will love. But for many authors just starting or who haven’t yet built a substantial fan base, writing a … Continue reading »

Better Writer: 12 Tips to Become a Great Writer

Whether you are already a published author or you are new to the craft, seeking ways to become a better writer is a common pursuit of those who love to write. Since writers are gifted with their own unique talents, … Continue reading »

Pen Name: Announcing Your Book to the World

Becoming a published author is an exciting accomplishment and for many writers, seeing their name on the cover of a book is the icing on the cake. But what if you want to use a pen name instead of your … Continue reading »

Poetry Book Writing: Dos and Don’ts for a Great Book

If you love to pen poems and are ready to showcase them for the world to see, you may consider poetry book writing. But creating a book of poetry is not as simple as collecting your favorite poems and sending … Continue reading »

Church Directory: 6 Reasons to Print a Stellar Directory

How should you use a church directory printing project? Many things in our lives have moved to a digital format, but just because it can doesn’t mean it should. And this saying is even more true when it comes to … Continue reading »

Book Back Covers: How to Write an Irresistible One

You know how important your book’s front cover is, but have you forgotten book back covers? Like the front cover, the book back covers present an opportunity to sell your book to a potential reader. Most readers who are attracted … Continue reading »

30 Awesome Book Marketing Ideas

For most writers, coming up with book marketing ideas can be challenging. However, authors can use a surprisingly wide variety of book marketing strategies to market to potential readers. So to help you jumpstart your book sales, we have a … Continue reading »

Why Should You Use Plastic Coil Book Bindings

Writing a book is more than just delivering a great story or manuscript full of researched content to the reader. Authors who self-publish have a lot of freedom in deciding their books’ final look and feel. One of those choices … Continue reading »

Memoir Book: Spotlight on Life Memories of a Grateful Man

While we truly love printing books for our clients, we are always impressed when we print memoir books. It is an impressive project to go back and remember and write about events from decades ago. And all the wonderful memories … Continue reading »

Perfect Bound Poetry Book: Spotlight on Don’t Judge Me By My Cover

In describing her perfect bound poetry book, the author states, “Everyone goes through hard times, right? Writing these poems is what helped me get through mine. While this book may look happy and cheerful, the inside is filled with writings … Continue reading »