Category Archives: Client Spotlight: Book Printing

Event Book Printing: Spotlight on True Deliverance Church

For True Deliverance Church’s 49th annual general assembly, an event book was designed to guide attendees through the assembly, share messages from the staff, and inform about upcoming events in the church. In addition, the event book contained a list … Continue reading »

Class Workbook Printing: Spotlight on Student Biology Journal

Each year, teachers face the challenge of finding the right resources for their students. Kelly Barna, a high school biology teacher, could not locate a quality workbook on the market that met the needs of her students, so she decided … Continue reading »

Church Directory Printing Project: Spotlight on Faith Baptist Church

We print a lot of church directories and this church directory printing project for Faith Baptist Church was a delight to print. It was set up with plenty of white space, making it visually appealing. All important information was included … Continue reading »

Perfect Bound Poetry Book: Spotlight on Don’t Judge Me By My Cover

In describing her perfect bound poetry book, the author states, “Everyone goes through hard times, right? Writing these poems is what helped me get through mine. While this book may look happy and cheerful, the inside is filled with writings … Continue reading »

Fitness Journal Printing: Spotlight on Momstrong Transformation Journal

Taryn Perry started her health journey after her second child was born in 2008. Now, she has ten years of experience as a personal trainer and motivational speaker, she is here to show you the ropes on how to balance … Continue reading »

Wire-o Journal Printing: Spotlight on Become Your Own Boss Planner

We loved this wire-o journal printing project! It was very professionally designed and made us want to start planning our life immediately. Wire-o Journal Printing Project for Become Your Own Boss Planner In the introduction, the author Monica Allen says … Continue reading »

Pet Book Printing: Spotlight on Tails from the Lonely Side of Rainbow Bridge

What a special book Tails from the Lonely Side of Rainbow Bridge is! Jasmine Bagwell draws gorgeous photos of pets. This pet book printing project combines those photos with the owners’ stories about those pets, who have crossed over the … Continue reading »

Comic Book Prints: Spotlight on Zombie Turtle Comics

Craig Latchaw creates comics, but not with the kind of characters and plots you may be envisioning. His Galactic Man is decidedly not heroic, super or otherwise, but that doesn’t mean his exploits aren’t entertaining…just a bit more relatable, which … Continue reading »

Color Program Booklet Printing: Spotlight on TeenHOP

TeenHOP (“Teens Help Other People”) is a nonprofit group dedicated to community service. It was started in 2012 when co-founders, then-13- and 12-year-old Gracelyn and Brooke, wanted opportunities to volunteer with their friends. Their mother helped them start TeenHOP as … Continue reading »

STEM Manual Printing: Spotlight on QuestBotics

As the world becomes increasingly tech-driven, it is more and more important to get kids excited about STEM learning. The trick is to do this without sacrificing crucial “playtime” … but how? Thankfully, this problem has been solved by groups … Continue reading »

Wire-o Workbook Printing: Spotlight on Secure Marriage

At Publishing Xpress, we love working with all of our clients — but it is always a treat to work on projects that help people have better lives and relationships, like this wire-o workbook printing project. Secure Marriage is a … Continue reading »

Plastic Coil Workbook Printing: Spotlight on Jas Talks Law

Getting into law school isn’t easy. From applications and exams to drafting a personal statement, there is a lot to keep track of for a law school-hopeful, and mistakes can be costly when there is no one to guide you. … Continue reading »